Amatuer Rocket Tilt Sensing

I use Invensense MPU sensors for this project hoping to take advantage of their motion fusion engine. The MPU 6050, 9150, 9250 can work for this project. The I2C library used for these experiments was the excellent work from Jeff Rowberg.

I designed some board adapters to convert low cost in the wind IMU modules to RFduino and Simblee Shields.
Adapt GY-521 GY-9150 IMU's to RFduino

Adapt GY-87 GY-87 IMU's to RFduino

My first sketch sent Invensense Teapot packets over serial/USB to a Processing sketch to display 3D movements. The Processing sketch was based on Jeff Rowberg example. I replaced his airplane with a rocket. I was able to send the Teapot packets over BLE as well, but I had no way to access the data for Android or iOS.

MPU6050_DMP6_MyTilt3.ino MPU6050_DMP6_MyTilt3.ino

The Processing sketch is...
MyRocket.pde MyRocket.pde

When EVOthings/Cordova came available with BLE support I was able to graphically display 3D movements on both Android and iOS smart devices. EVOthings makes life easier by using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript. No need for Android or Apple SDKs. The app required for this project for the smart device is the "EVOthings Client", not the "Evothings Viewer". The Client allows one to use a remote URL address for the app script. The modified version for the EVOthings test is...

MPU6050_DMP6_MyTilt3_EVOtest.ino MPU_DMP6_MyTilt3_EVOtest.ino

Install the EVOthings Client from the appropriate App Store for your smart device. The icon looks like Evothings Client Icon.
Then enter this URL into the "Connect with address" box.

Now waiting for "Simblee for Mobile" library support for more than basic widgets.
Really would be nice to have HTML5 and Javascript support to do custom canvas graphics.