Simblee For Mobile NFC Adaptor

Near Field Communications

Here is a project I was working on to relay NFC data to BLE.
I started out using a CR95HF NFC chip from STMicro and a loose
antenna. I found a nice small NFC module, BM019, from Solutions Cubed
which uses the same chip and has an integrated pcb coil antenna.
So I made a board to adapt the Simblee SOC to that board. 


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An interesting alternative use for this board is interfacing with
the xDrip+ / LimiTTer project. Those are a DIY scheme for monitoring
Freestyle Libre Glucose Sensors. This would require some changes
to the UUID characteristics of the xDrip app to use the Simblee
UUIDs. The xDrip seems to use a single R/W charactertic which is not
supported by RFduino/Simblee which uses separate R and W characteristics.



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