Welcome to the Home Page of Thomas Olson
I am/was a member of...
- AAMI - Association for the
Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
AIAA - American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
AMA - Academy of Model Aeronautics
ARRL - American Radio Relay League
DARC - Dixie Amateur Radio Club
ERPS - Experimental Rocket Propulsion
FAR - Friends of Amateur Rocketry
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and
Electronic Engineers
MOTers Associates - California Licensed Class 2 Rocket Pyrotechnic
NAR - National Association of Rocketry
NSS - National Space Society
NRA - National Rifle Association
PARC - Palomar Amateur Radio
PRS - Pacific Rocket Society
PGII - Pyrotechnics Guild International, Inc
RRS - Reaction Research Society
ROARS - Ramona Outback Amateur Radio Society
- SDADS - San Diego Amiga Developers Society
- SGAG - St George Astronomy Group
SPIE - Society of Photo-optic Instrumentation Engineering
TAPR - Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
TRA - Tripoli Rocketry Association
WPA - Western Pyrotechnics Association
I am a California Licensed Class 2 Pyrotechnical Operator. My large
rocket project is called NOMAD.
My past affiliations...
- Olson's Motel, Cedar Rapids, IA.
- Diamond Rollarena, Iowa Falls, IA.
- Weaver Construction, Aldin, IA.
- National Semiconductor, Santa Clara, CA.
- IMED Corporation, San Diego, CA.
- Warner Lambert Corporation, San Diego, CA. when they acquired IMED.
- BIG BROTHER Security Systems, San Diego, CA.
- Bill's Boards, San Diego, CA.
- Olson Consulting, San Diego, CA.
- Ultramed Corporation, Poway, CA. became InterVentional Technologies.
- InterVentional Technologies, inc., San Diego, CA.
- Campion Knights Bene Factor
- Boston Scientific Corporation, San Diego, CA. when they acquired InterVentional Technologies.
- HHEwireless Net
- RockeTroniX
- Campion Forever Newsletter - Publisher / Editor
- ThomasOlson.com consulting
- OlsonICS
RFduino & Simblee Forum Global Moderator
- St. George Astronomy Group a 501(c)(3). President/CEO